Golden Spread Electric Cooperative and Others Sponsor 2023 WISE Conference 

AMARILLO, TEXAS — Registration is now open for the 2023 WISE (Women in Science Endeavors) Conference to be held November 11, 2023, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m., at AmTech Career Academy. 

WISE is a STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) conference hosted each year for girls in the 6th, 7th and 8th grades, and includes hands-on activities led by female presenters in STEM fields. WISE is dedicated to encouraging middle school girls to pursue math and science-related careers.  

Golden Spread Electric Cooperative has been an active supporter of WISE since 2010. This involvement demonstrates the Cooperative’s “Concern for Community,” one of The Seven Cooperative Principles Golden Spread is guided by. 

“Encouraging STEM in early education plays a key role in the enthusiasm and pursuit of STEM fields,” said Kari Hollandsworth, Golden Spread CEO, and WISE Committee Treasurer. “The WISE Conference is a great way to foster that enthusiasm and Golden Spread is proud to be a sponsor.” 

Once called “Expanding Your Horizons,” WISE has been around since 1989, with one goal—to positively impact the career choice of middle school girls by engaging them with fun, relevant STEM-related activities. 

The conference is organized and supported by Xcel EnergyBell Helicopter TextronGolden Spread Electric CooperativeAmarillo Independent School District, West Texas A&M University School of Engineering and Computer Science and MathematicsAmTech Career Academy, Altura Engineering and Design, GROW - Women in Non-Traditional Roles Positive Effect, Pantex and Phillips 66. 

The registration deadline for the 2023 WISE conference is October 27, 2023. Conference registration is $15 (non-refundable) per participant, which includes a light breakfast, three STEM activities/sessions, lunch, t-shirt and a souvenir bag. Register online at For questions about scholarships or registration, call (806) 318-8426 or email 

Golden Spread Electric Cooperative, Inc., is a consumer-owned public utility organized in 1984 to provide electric service for rural distribution cooperative Members located in the Panhandle, South Plains and Edwards Plateau regions of Texas, the Panhandle of Oklahoma, Southwest Kansas and Southeast Colorado. Golden Spread is headquartered in Amarillo and delivers competitive energy solutions to its 16 Member Cooperatives through wind and solar resources and state-of-the-art power plants in Texas near Abernathy and Denver City. 

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